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Structuring (структурирование) a Flask Project 
Flask provides (предоставляет) such (такую) great (большую) flexibility (гибкость) when (когда/при) developing a web application, including (включая) the structure of the application. Flask applications can range (варьироваться) from (от) a single file to (к) larger (более крупным) projects with multiple Blueprints (дословно: "эскиз". используется для разделения приложения на части). In this blog post, I’m going to (собираюсь) describe (описать) how I like (как мне нравится) to structure (структурировать) a Flask application using (используя) Blueprints and an Application Factory function. 
For reference (для справки), the project that (который) I created (создал) as part (как часть) of writing (написанного) this blog post is available (доступен) on GitLab: Flask User Management Example.
Structuring a Flask Project


Flask provides such great flexibility when developing a web application, including the structure of the application. Flask applications can range from a single file to larger projects with multiple Blueprints. In this blog post, I’m going to describe how I like to structure a Flask application using Blueprints and an Application Factory function.

For reference, the project that I created as part of writing this blog post is available on GitLab: Flask User Management Example.